Thursday, August 26, 2010

How to Make Ends Meet in Hard Times

Many of you know at least a little bit about my family's current situation. I won't bore you with a lengthy description of all the ins and outs. Suffice it to say that David and I were both sans employment within two months of learning that I was pregnant with our first child. Really, God? This is the plan? I will find myself asking that question repeatedly over the next ten months and counting!

To make ends meet, David and I made the decision to rely on the help of family until we could get our feet back on the ground. We expected that David would have a job within at least three months. Mistake...don't force God's timing. Ten months later, we have been blessed beyond imagination, but strangely enough none of the blessings have included full time employment for David. Our family has been provided for nonetheless. David has made connections throughout Nashville and has been called in for weeks of freelance at a time enabling us to pay the obligatory bills, but not reliable enough to sustain us for the long haul. My parents have lovingly supplied us with all the comforts of home without hesitation or judgment. We have a four month old daughter now - Sofia Eloise - and she is our joy. Every day with her is amazing and we have a hard time imagining life without her. She is reveling in the attention she gets, not just from us, but from her Grammie and Grandpa who get to watch her grow and change and learn new "tricks" every day.

No one could have prepared me for how I have taken to motherhood and you couldn't pry me away from this precious child for any amount of money. In my efforts to find ways to make ends meet without giving up my most important job of mama, I am rediscovering the perks of a home-based business. I have dabbled in this business over the years, but never really took it seriously. But now, driven by an intense desire to be at home with my little bug, I am re-evaluating the possibility of earning a reasonable income as a Shaklee Distributor. I stumbled across a program called MAHMA, specifically designed for mothers at home who want to build a Shaklee business. Hey, that's me! Wait a minute...that's a lot of mamas!

Here is my list (off the top of my head) why this endeavor is important to me:
1. The ability to raise my little bug

2. Earn a source of income, esp. since David's work is unreliable right now
3. Have the funding to live in our own house/apt/townshouse at get our stuff out of storage!
4. Be able to afford health insurance
5. Live a healthier life by using the products
6. Help other people live healthier and more financially secure lifestyles
7. Be able to travel and play without having to worry about a schedule

8. Ability to call the shots - be my own boss
9. Not have to depend on the government for retirement funds
10. Drive a nice, reliable car
11. Get a horse or 2.

Okay, you get the general gist!

I thought building a successful business was beyond my ability, but then I realized that a) I have the motivation right now and b) I'm pretty much amazing! So here we go...Let the adventure begin. I will keep you all posted on how it goes. If you're interested in learning more about MAHMA, call into the conference call on Saturday mornings.

Project MAHMA - Moms at Home Making a... Difference! And a lot of Money! - Weekly Opportunity Calls are held every Saturday morning at 8 am Pacific / 11 am Eastern Time. Hear how the Shaklee Products and Opportunity can help make a difference in your life! Dial 1-212-990-8000 / 6262#


Mom said...

In a world of processed foods, meats and dairy with hormones and antibiotics, and genetically engineered fruits and vegetables, not to mention the toxic air quality it's nice to have a coorporation that cares about health and wellness. Shaklee fits that bill completely. You go, Kris!

msrevolution said...

i loved catching up on all of your blog entries. your little bug is so bright-eyed and precious! the shaklee thing sounds like a great fit for you. good luck! so glad to be a new follower of your musings.