Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New to Blogging

So, I've come to the conclusion that I need a blog. After all, isn't that what all the cool kids are doing. I have no idea if my writing will be witty or compelling enough for people to want to read it, but I thought it was worth a try. I don't even have a clear idea of what the content of my blog will be. I have a really cool four month old daughter now. She's pretty fun to talk about. But who wants to read about my kid every day? I'm hoping that as the writing progresses, I will be visited by some inspiration as to the direction of the blog. For now, let's just say that this will be a place for my musings, experiences, questions, answers, and varied research. For those of you who know me, I spend a lot of time researching every aspect of just about anything!


Mary Lou said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I know that whatever you write, it will be interesting, informative, and at times amusing. I look forward to your musings. You caused me to remember that I have a blog on blogspot and have been terribly negligent, to keep it fresh. That may change in the not-so-distant future, if a particular life change occurs. We'll see. Blog away, sweetie!!

A Jaded Mama said...

You're doing well so far! I've just really gotten back into it and I love it as a means to organizing my thoughts more than anything else. I enjoy the challenge and the fact that I don't have to do it, but when I do it feels great!

Thank you for posting my button!!

Will Thomas said...

If you have a website I can help you or david set this blog up on that. Ex: would go to this blog. Makes you look cooler (not that its possible for you to be cooler).

Kristina said...

David has a website. Maybe we can use his. He was going to help me design the look to be nicer. I just picked one that was reasonably decent for the meantime.