Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring (and allergy season) has sprung!

Hello! Has anyone else noticed layers of green/yellow pollen on their windshields? Can we say allergy season?!

You may or may not know how horrible my allergies are. I often forget how bad they are until allergy season hits and then I feel like I'm DYING! No joke. Itchy eyes, runny/stuffy nose, headache, nausea. Blech! I recently stumbled across this allergy testimony and I wanted to share it with you.

I had been told by allergists that it was easier to tell me what I was NOT allergic to than what I was. So I resigned to a life of taking prescription medications, allergy shots that would make me sick, and nasal sprays that were awful. Then, I decided to get cats. Now .. I know what you’re thinking, "He's allergic to everything ... surely cats are on the list!", and you'd be right. But this time I remembered the Shaklee Alfalfa from my youth and I remembered reading info about Shaklee’s NutriFeron. I went online and ordered these two products. I got the cats. I got my product and started taking it. Then I waited to see what would happen. And here's the best part -
Nothing happened!
No sneezing, No runny nose, No feeling miserable, and No more prescription medications with nasty side effects. NOTHING! I can actually live in a house with cats and not have an allergic reaction. It's amazing, to say the least. I don't get that lethargic feeling the medications would cause. I have more energy. I sleep better. Get this.. the only times I feel my allergies kick back up is when I forget to take my Alfalfa and NutriFeron! I also wanted to let you know I have chosen to build a Shaklee business. After years of working crazy schedules and stressful jobs I decided to take control of my life. I know in my soul that I made the right choice. Just as Dr. Shaklee said years ago, "Your future will be exactly what you decide to make it", I have decided to make a different future for myself. One that includes helping people live better lives. One that allows me to be with my family and friends. One that lets me be myself.

-Tim Bowden

I realized that last time I was being treated for my allergies by an allergist, I was spending $100/month on allergy shots and roughly $50/month on prescription meds. Having no interest in spending that much money pumping my body with chemicals, I immediately ordered both Alfalfa and Nutriferon. David and I both started taking it about a week ago. So far, I've noticed a significant decrease in my itchy, runny eyes and fewer headaches. I'm very hopeful that this will be the cure for my allergies. Maybe we can get a cat!

FYI - While typing this message, David turned to me and said that he feels better than he ever felt when taking his allergy meds. Sweet!

Order your allergy magic today!

AND!!...If you order both and become a Shaklee member before the end of March, you will get a Cinch Sample Pack (a $101 value) for free! Isn't that awesome!


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1 comment:

Mom said...

Thanks for the reminder that those two Shaklee products are great for reducing allergy symptoms. I'm going to the cabinet right now and starting them both!!