Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Truth

This week is supposed to include information about using flats. I am very interested in flats and their use, but the truth is - I'm terrified of them!! When I agreed to write for this event, my plan was to purchase a sample of everything - a fitted, a prefold, a cover, and a FLAT. I picked out flats and added them to various shopping carts. I received reminder emails from sites, "It looks like you added items to your cart, but did not check out. Was there a problem?" (or something to that effect). Ummm, yes, there is a problem. I have no idea what to do with a flat. Origami folding required? Have I mentioned that I am fine-motor skill challenged!

So here's the deal - I'm hoping to learn about flats this week too, right along side of you guys. By the end of the week I want to be a flat ninja and I will finally complete that transaction for the flat. How does that sound?

Feel free to leave fear-quenching comments regarding flats and their usage below.


Jenny K said...

I've been afraid to try flats, too! I've just recently purchased some prefolds but I only just lay them in the cover. I have yet to conquer the snappi! Good luck!

Lindsey said...

I am right there with you! There is NO WAY I could use flats... or could I? I'm excited to learn too! :)

Mary said...

I love flats! they are the best thing that ever happened! Wow, they are amazing!! I wish everyone wore flats!